The Man Cave

“Pulling you out of that dark place”

Men and women experience many of the same mental health disorders, but their willingness to talk about their challenges and feelings are very different. The perceived standards of masculinity and stigmas surrounding men seeking support for mental health disorders continue to be a challenge. In scenarios, where a lack of conversation surrounding mental health related challenges exist, the absence of communication may lead to a worsening of underlying conditions and to a more acute state of the presenting disorder


At The Man Cave our goal is to raise awareness of mental health issues for men around the world. We strive to create a platform that allows men understand the symptoms they may be experiencing, find professional treatment, and encourages men to break the mental health stigma that leaves millions suffering in silence


Ways to help

- Educate yourself, understanding mental health affects everyone is the first step

- Redirect to support, encourage people to seek mental health support

- Listen, take mental health seriously and listening to a person is one of the best ways to help someone

- Refrain from judgment and blame, being judgemental and blaming can discourage people from finding help and support


- Around 10% of Canadian men experience significant mental health challenges in their life

- Approximately one million Canadian men suffer from major depression each year

- On average, approximately 4000 Canadians take their own life each year, of those suicides; 75% are men.


- Hereditary factors such as genes and or brain chemistry

- Life experiences such as trauma or abuse

- Family history is also a cause of poor mental health.


Around 10% of Canadian men experience significant mental health challenges in their life


Approximately one million Canadian men suffer from major depression each year


On average, approximately 4000 Canadians take their own life each year, of those suicides; 75% are men.

The Man Cave Group Members

Members of The Man Cave are a group of BCIT term 1 CST Students who strive to create a safe environment for men, attempting to break the societal stigma of men’s mental health.

Samuel Song

BCIT term 1 CST student

David Nam

BCIT term 1 CST student

Wyman Ng

BCIT term 1 CST student

Dinuja Gunawardana

BCIT term 1 CST student


3700 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby


